Monday, November 19, 2007
echo[Ability] alpha
It is still a work in progress so expect quite a bit of change over the course of the next few weeks.
It is meant to serve not only as a point of contact and representation of our work and philosophy but also as an eventual jumping off point and resource for the like minded, interested in learning more about the technology and tools with which we are working.
For the weekend play-by-play and a good starting point for hacking together your own custom wordpress theme check out this post by Kelani: Building a Wordpress Theme
Friday, November 16, 2007
PANMA Web Tools Shootout
Topics presented on included:
Johnny Bilotta – WordPress
Kelani Nichole - Blogger
Content Distribution & RSS feeds
Michael Klusek - feedburner
Howard Ross (me) - digg
Web Analytics & Reports
Johnny Bilotta - Mint
David Speers - googleAnalytics
Social Networking
Cheryl Anscombe - Facebook
Nick Floro - LinkedIn
Business Automation & Project Management
Geoff DiMasi - Basecamp
Nick Floro - Highrise
Video Sharing
Aaron Couch - YouTube
Rob Sandie - Viddler
Wiki knowledge collaboration
Juan Leon - mediaWiki
Alex Hillman - pbWiki
Aaron Couch - flickr
Johnny Bilotta - shutterfly
Nick Floro – GoToMeeting
Nick Floro- Webex
Email marketing
Nick Floro – constant contact
Tim Dodd - emma
Bonus Category
Alex Hillman -- Twitter
The Event was fast paced and a ton of fun and all attendees received expert certification in these tools.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Notes on Forrestor Research IW vs ECM
Notes on Forrester Research:
For Enterprise Collaboration, Focus On Information Workplace Platforms, Not ECM Specialistsby Erica Driver
for Information & Knowledge Management ProfessionalsJune 26, 2007
This article distinguishes between Information Workplace (IW) Platforms and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Systems. It covers the similarities and differences and when and where each should be implemented. This article goes into detail about the offerings of the major vendors in the space.While Both IW platforms and ECM Systems offer collaboration and productivity services ECM is trending towards more industry specificity allowing IW to offer more general, core services. These core services include messaging, team collaboration such as on documents and social computing tools like blogs, wikis, and tagging. It has not yet been fully determined which services should be included in IW and which should be specific to specialized collaboration applications. Examples of Specialized collaboration applications include drug approval process facilitators and collaborative software development tools.
Of particular interest for our team are the comments about Microsoft including:“• Microsoft is a leading collaboration platform vendor.
• Microsoft offers the core collaboration platform pieces: messaging, team collaboration, real-time collaboration and communication, and some basic Social Computing tools.“
Monday, October 8, 2007
Forrester SharePoint Research Notes
By Kyle Mcnabb
MOSS provides a single environment for collaborative document management, Web content management, records management, workflow, and eForms support
MOSS now supports defining content based on its type — such as contract, deal, article, or customer presentation which facilitates more discrete management
Document Management supports Check and Check out (standard and enterprise?)
MOSS now includes serial and parallel document review and approval workflow support.
Troubles with MOSS stated in this document are not of much concern for us:
- No federated policy management support across SharePoint libraries.
- Not an issue now, nor a requested feature
- MS forces customers to migrate, not simply upgrade, existing implementations.
- MOSS 2007 implementation should work for us for years to come
- No digital asset management support(such as video).
- Teams dealing with this have their own systems in place
- Some value-added capabilities are only available with full Office upgrade.
- We intend to upgrade
- Very little support for transactional content processes. Lack robust Business Process Management (BPM) support
- Could be enhanced with supporting products
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
How many people are on your server right now?
Run perfmon.
Right Click in the counter table and select 'Add Counters...'
Change Performance object to Web Service
Change counter to Current Connections.
You should now be able to see the number of users currently connected to your webserver. Save this Configuration by doing a save as.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
How to force users to print using Spry
If you are using the Spry Framework to assist with form validation you can place the window.print() command in the Spry JavaScript file such as, SpryValidationSelect.js in the Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect.prototype.validate function immediately before the return true. This will cause the print dialog to display only if the input passes validation.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Simple ASP contact form processor
First Name
Last Name
ZIP Code
Your Question Is?
Email Address
Phone Number
you could use a simple ASP script this to send the submissions via email:
dim emailFrom, emailTo, emailSubject, emailBody
dim objMail, iConf
emailFrom = Request.Form("emailAddress")
emailTo = ""
emailSubject = "JMS Website: Contact Form Submission"
emailBody = "The following information was submitted from the JMS online contact form:" & vbcrlf &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "First Name: " & (Request.Form("firstName")) &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "Last Name: " & (Request.Form("lastName")) &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "Address: " & (Request.Form("address")) &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "City: " & (Request.Form("city")) &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "State: " & (Request.Form("state")) &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "Zip: " & (Request.Form("zip")) &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "Age: " & (Request.Form("age")) &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "Question: " & (Request.Form("question")) &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "Email Address: " & (Request.Form("emailAddress")) &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & "Phone: " & (Request.Form("p1")) & Request.Form("p2") & Request.Form("p3") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
emailBody = emailBody & vbcrlf
set objMail = server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With iConf.Fields
.Item("") = 2 ' CdoSendUsingPort
.Item("") = Application("EmailServer")
End With
objMail.From = emailFrom
objMail.To = emailTo
objMail.Subject = emailSubject
objMail.TextBody = EmailBody
Set objMail = Nothing
Monday, August 20, 2007
Easiest way to hack a Windows admin password
While the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, Bootdisk / CD seemed like easiest method for resetting windows passwords I had trouble with it and had to find an alternate method.
This alternate method consisted of booting up the machine with Linux distro Knoppix, and copying the system32/config directory which contains the SAM file onto a usb flash drive. The SAM file is the Security Accounts Manager Windows uses to store password "hashes" which amounts to essentially encrypted passwords.
I then copied the necessary files to another windows machine on which I had installed SAMinside. SAMinside was instantly able to tell me all the user names for the locked box and offered the ability to do a brute force / dictionary hybrid attack that tried over 4 million passwords a second. Luckily, the password i was trying to crack was a simple 6 letter dictionary word so it only took about an hour.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Intro to Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0
Despite being a M$ product, WSS seems like an excellent, full-featured web app framework. Installation was slightly more complex than normal for M$ products, involving uncompressing files and utilizing the ol' command line, but a cinch coming from a Linux background.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Custom Picassa Photo Gallery Application
To create your own Picassa2 Template first go into your Program Files/Picassa/web/templates folder and make a copy of one you would like to base your template off. Then change the first line of the index.tpl in order to give your template its own version number, name and description. You can then easily replace the Picassa Logo with any logo of your choice by simply saving your logo over in the assets folder. I added a little padding around my logo by modifing the css file in the assets folder. To the BODY i added "background-position: 10px 10px;". I also moved the photo caption below the photo for use as copyright by moving the <%itemCaption%> tag in targetlistelement.html . And that was about all it took to create a custom enterprise photo gallery.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
snap footer to bottom of viewport
I do, however, feel that this functionality should be built into the standard and therefore the browser but thats the subject for another post.
I surrounded all non-footer content in a "page" div and the footer in a "footer" div here is the css:
.Page {
height: 80%;
position: relative;
position: relative;
This seemed to do the trick despite the many more complex solutions posted around town.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Team Messaging
More Specifically, what we need is:
- Chat /Conference room for my team to collaborate
- Desktop application as opposed to running in the browser
- Visual and audio notification of new messages
Aol seems geared towards children of myspace generation and Windows requires that we change our firewall settings so both of these are out of the question. That leaves us with Yahoo which is fine but far from perfect.
The Yahoo! Messenger sign up process does not include an instant screen name availability check which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for having to do a captcha for every taken screen name. A very interesting feature is the ability for the messenger to run in a strictly http request mode which allows it to bypass our corporate firewall.
Unfortunately, messages are taking around 7 seconds to get to my coworker sitting right next to me. Also, when in conference mode there is no new message notification.
Looks like I'm back to the drawing board. Maybe I'll just write an app myself. I mean this is simple messaging we are talking about; the most basic of internet functionality.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Project Management Software Investigation
I singed up for the free 1 project package, invited my team members, entered our Milestones for the next year and we were all set to start existing in the modern era of project collaboration . Thats when "Process Management" got involved and we are still, more than a month later, without an official project management tool.
Process Management suggested 2 tools:
Project Insight which is huge and bloated with reporting and charting features. Despite it being web based and having a collaborative aspect you'd probably be better off with yea ol standard MS Project
And ViewPath which I thought was alright and would probably do the trick but was a little lack luster and unrefined.
- shared calendar
- document repository which allows discussion
- action item / todo lists
- a tool that is not only easy but actually fun to use
- time tracking
- high level view of what his developers are doing
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Flash 101
which will prevent the user from seeing the application contained in the second frame. Click on the button and add to the Actions
on (release) {
There are excellent video tutorials available at the Adobe Design Center Video Workshop. IfBin Also provides high quality flash and flex examples including source code through an interesting downloadable browser based interface.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Zoomify based Flash app
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Google Webmaster Tools
This type of tool helps with understanding what exactly is accessible through Google and how to optimize your site for Google and other search engines.