Friday, June 8, 2007


I have implemented a significantly customized version of Ryan Coulombe's phpGoolgeStoreLocator. A stock demo of this application can be viewed here. My customizations include seamless integration into an already existing site template, removal of features unnecessary to my client, styling output with css, a few bug fixes and the all important removal of the "Powered by..." statement, which proved slightly more difficult than one would think due to the cryptic (133t) method of output Ryan chose to employ. More details of my implementation can be viewed in my posts to the phpGoogleStoreLocator Forums.


list Of Dispensaries said...

Hey Howard, I need some real minor phpgooglestorelocator development, willing to pay for your time, please contact me if you are interested. I'm currently running 2.0 and want to be able to search by name but the solution in the forums isn't working for me. Sincerely, Steve

Unknown said...

Hi there...

Any chance of making this work on api 3.x now that the google api v2.x is obsolete?
