Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Working with DTS

I have been doing quite a bit of work with DTS, short for Data Transformation Services, a feature of M$ SQL, which facilitates getting data in and out of the db, among other things. One of the best features of DTS is the ability to set packages to run at regularly scheduled intervals. For instance, every night a csv file gets dropped in a networked folder. My package then ingests that file into our db for later use.

The easiest way to get started with DTS is to use the Data Transformation Services Import/Export Wizard and then save the package for later modification and use. This wizard is accessible by right clicking on a table and selecting from All Tasks Import or Export Data. I have found csv files to be much easier to work with than excel files.

A very useful DTS package i put together runs a query to pull the accounts that were added last the day before, dumps the data into a csv, emails the csv as an attachment and finally runs a query to update the records to show that they have been emailed.

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