Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Great PHP Datetime Conversion Snippet

Using PHP you can easily convert just about any date or time to the format of your choosing.

function strototime() which accepts English textual datetime strings and outputs timestamps can be combined with the date() function to output a formated date.

For instance,


will accept a datetime of pretty much any format and output it as mm/dd/yyyy.

This can come in handy when working with dates stored in a database as strings or when converting between International and US formats.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Conference Registration System

I spent the better part of this week banging out a Conference Registration System in an effort to beat one our competitors (Goldman) to the punch, which I'm pretty sure we did. The system uses php for server side scripting and database interaction, MySQL database, and javaScript for form validation.

The system features
  • Registration form
  • JavaScript form validation
  • Email confirmation
  • Database backup
  • PayPal Payment Processing
  • PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN)
We rolled it out today with relatively no issue and dough has already begun coming in.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

FC Progress Report

As promised... Here is a screen shot of the individual FC Progress Report

It features a pretty flash graph and pdf for saving and printing

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What I'm up to: FC Comission Reporting System

I have been working on a Financial Consultant (FC) Commission Reporting System. It is written in Coldfusion (CF) and takes advantage of some the great user interface enhancements in CF8 including:
  • tight pdf integration
  • enhanced Flash charting
  • ajaximified data grids utilizing the awesome Ext JavaScript library.
This system takes data from the Thomson Beta back office system, the dark side as it's affectionately known around here because of its black screen terminal look, and presents in a clear and compelling format which the FC can use to gauge progress.
Data presented includes:
  • Assests Under Management
  • Production
  • Distance Targets
  • Distance to Next FC
  • Firm Ranking
We are using an iterative methodology with monthly development cycle which allows us to deliver a high quality product quickly while continually improving the system as user feedback comes in. For our 3rd iteration, this month, we will be adding additional graphs and an aggregated view for Branch Managers. (screen shots coming soon)